: It is my dream to live near…… (sea), because..., It is my dream to live near…… (ocean), because..., It is my dream to live near…… (lake), because..., I would love to travel one day to…. (island), because..., I would love to travel one day to…. (mountain), because..., I would love to travel one day to…. (river), because..., I have visited …. (city) more than once, because ..., I have visited …. (country) more than once, because ..., I have visited …. (continent) more than once, because ..., I know an interesting fact about… (island). It is a ..., I know an interesting fact about… (mountain). It is a ..., I know an interesting fact about… (lake). It is a ..., I have heard a lot about….. (country), for example, I have heard a lot about….. (city), for example..., I have heard a lot about….. (island), for example, One day I will swim and dive in…. (ocean) , because..., One day I will swim and dive in…. (sea) , because..., I would like to see …. (mountain) with my own eyes, because..., I would like to see …. (lake) with my own eyes, because..., I would like to see …. (waterfall) with my own eyes, because..., I have never been to…. (waterfall), because/but ..., I have never been to…. (desert), because/but ..., I have never been to…. (mountain), because/but ...,

Articles Complete with geographical names


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