1) You can …....…… yourself using conventional medicine because it produces the necessary antibodies to protect against illnesses. a) immunise b) immune c) immunisation d) immunised 2) The nature reserve uses recycled water, which helps the ….………… of the environment. a) sustainable b) sustainability c) sustain d) sustained 3) Doctors often treat infections with antibiotics; that is the …………………. approach. a) convention b) conventional c) conventionality d) conventionally 4) The new city was ………………. created and it will be zero waste. a) artifice b) artificial c) artificially d) artificialism 5) The life .................. figures show that Jordan's healthcare system is successful. a) expect b) expectancy c) expectant d) expectantly 6) Many serious diseases can be prevented by ..…...... , which helps the body to build antibodies. a) immunise b) immune c) immunisation d) immunised 7) Another way of saying that something could be successful is to say it is ………………… a) viability b) viable c) viabilities d) viably 8) Fatima Al-Fihri used her ....................... to build a learning centre. a) inherit b) inherited c) inheritance d) inheriting 9) Many megaprojects consist of ……......... -created, which will be built according to principles of sustainable living. a) artifice b) artificial c) artificially d) artificialism 10) ………………..…. plants are becoming a popular method of providing water for people living in areas that have little fresh water. a) Desalinated b) Desalinze c) Desalinate d) Desalination 11) Al-Kindi made a ground-breaking ....................... . a) discover b) discovery c) discovered d) discoverer 12) Can you tell me the main .......................... of this treatment? a) influence b) influential c) influenced d) influentially 13) The project was not financially ……………… a) viability b) viable c) viabilities d) viably 14) I don’t really believe that story - I’m very …………………… a) scepticism b) sceptical c) sceptics d) sceptically 15) It is said that traditional ...................... may not always be the only way to treat an ailment. a) medicine b) medical c) medicate d) medically 16) The land of my grandfather is agriculturally .......................... . a) produce b) productive c) production d) productively 17) Thank you for help, I really ………………. it. a) appreciate b) appreciative c) appreciation d) appreciatively 18) When do you …………… to receive your test results? a) expect b) expectancy c) expectant d) expectantly 19) ............................ has helped Jordanian literature. a) Translate b) Translation c) Translated d) Translates 20) Roaa’ has spoken ………………. about her latest achievements in medical field. a) optimism b) optimistic c) optimist d) optimistically 21) The first computer program took 25 minutes to complete one ………………… a) calculation b) calculate c) calculated d) calculator 22) Patients used to have to consult a private ….… who was likely not to have a medical degree. a) practise b) practical c) practitioner d) practically


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