1) Tell me about how ... used to be. 2) What did you use to do when you were younger? 3) Is the situation different today, compared to how it used to be? 4) I don't know if ... is better than it used to be. 5) Tell me about how ... is used. 6) Why is ... used? 7) How could it be improved? 8) What should be done in the future? 9) If the situation changed, what would you miss? 10) Is it because of ... ? 11) Is it due to ... ? 12) Tell me about a person who helps this situation. 13) If you could change one thing, what would you change? 14) What do you think I might enjoy? 15) What would you recommend I try? 16) If you had the opportunity, what would you do differently? 17) Tell me about the advantages/disadvantages. 18) Not everyone has the same opinion. Do you agree with your friends?

Prompts - Grade 7


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