Menu - a pintered list of meals that a restaurant serves, Specials - extra dishes cooked on the day which are not on the main menu, Cutlery - Knives, forks, and spoons, Napkin - a small square piece of cloth or paper, used while you are eating to protect your clothes or to clean your mouth or fingers, Dessert - sweet food eaten at the end of a meal, Tip - to give someone who has provided you with a service an extra amount of money to thank them, Booking - an arrangement you make to have a hotel room, tickets, etc. at a particular time in the future, Starter - a small dish served as the first part of a meal, Side Dish - in a restaurant, an extra dish of food, for example vegetables or salad, that is served with the main dish, sometimes on a separate plate, Vegan - a person who does not eat or use any animal products, such as meat, fish, eggs, cheese, or leather,

Vocabulary Restaurant


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