: Name 3 forms of the verb and create a sentence: (be/never), Name 3 forms of the verb and create a question: (choose/prom), Name 3 forms of the verb and create a sentence: send, Name 3 forms of the verb and create a sentence: (understand/question), Name 3 forms of the verb and create a negative sentence: ride, Name 3 forms of the verb and create a sentence: (win/a competition/recently), Create a sentence: (meals/cook/lately), Name 3 forms of the verb and create a question: meet, Name 3 forms of the verb and create a sentence: (lose/somewhere), Name 3 forms of the verb and create a sentence: lend, Name 3 forms of the verb and create a question: (How long/know/this guy), Name 3 forms of the verb and create a negative sentence: , Name 3 forms of the verb and create a question: (cost/new car), Name 3 forms of the verb and create a negative sentence: (catch/my flight/yesterday), Name 3 forms of the verb and create a sentence: grow up, Name 3 forms of the verb and create a sentence: (break/his arm),

Past Simple vs Present Perfect - A2-B1 Revision


Τυχαίες κάρτες είναι ένα ανοικτό πρότυπο. Δεν δημιουργεί βαθμολογίες πίνακα κατάταξης.

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