True: I enjoy sleepig, I refused to leave the house, She didn't allow me to open the door, I hope to get a good mark, She convinced me to take up swimming, We plan to buy a new car, He mentioned seeing her before, Please remind me to turn off the light, I expect him to visit me tomorrow, I'm considering taking up tennis, I encouraged him to study harder, Our director postponed going on a school trip, He persuaded me to go to that concert, I warned him not to go out late at night, I don't mind looking after my little sister, Everyone avoided speaking to him, I don't recall seeing this woman before, we decided to watch this film together, False: I enjoy to sleep, I refused leaving the house, She didn't allow me opening the door, I hope getting a good mark, She convinced me taking up swimming, We plan buying a new car, He mentioned to see her before, Please remind me turning off the light, I expect him visiting me tomorrow, I'm considering to take up tennis, I encouraged him studying harder, Our director postponed to go on a school trip, He persuaded me going to that concert, I warned him not going out late at night, I don't mind to look after my little sister, Everyone avoided to speak to him, I don't recall to see that woman before, We decided watching this film together,

gerund or infinitive?


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