negative/devastating environmental impact - Have a harmful effect on the environment, textile waste - Fabric leftovers that end up in landfills, hazardous - Dangerous, risky, strictly regulated - Controlled with severe measures, bio-accumulative - A substance building up faster in an organism than can be excreted or metabolized, excrete - Separate or expel as waste, Biodegrade/biodegradable - Be decomposed by bacteria, exacerbate - Make a problem worse, saturated - Supplied beyond the point of satisfaction, aquatic life - Organisms growing or living in or near water, yield - Crop production, pesticides - Substances used in agriculture to prevent crop failure, at risk of drought - Under the threat of severe dry weather, disposable - expendable, intended to be thrown away after use, livestock - Animals grown on a farm, recycling - Collecting used material and making it ready to use again, disruptive - Causing disruption, disturbing, resistant - Having a quality that protects an item from harm, eco-friendly - Not harmful to the environment, agriculture - The practice of producing farming products,


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