Was this year a good year for you? What were some of your highlights or low points?, What good or bad events happened in the world this year?, Did you achieve any goals this year? Did you keep resolutions that you made at the beginning of the year?, Do you have a good feeling about the next year? Are you optimistic or pessimistic?, Why do you think people write New Year resolutions?, What are some New Year's resolutions that you have broken quickly?, How can New Year's resolutions be a good opportunity for change? , How will you celebrate Christmas this year? Is it going to be different from the last ones?, What three activities do you do every year before or after the holiday?, What is your favorite part of the New Year's celebration?, What activities should you do to have an ideal celebration?, What's the best present you've ever received? What was so good about it?, Have you ever received any strange or bad presents? Who from? What was wrong with them?, What resolutions have you made for this year?, Are you emotionally drained?, Was 2020 a rough year for you? Why? Why not?, In your opinion, what can help to fight the corona disease?, Do you have a special traditional dish for a New Year? , Which New Year was the most memorable for you?, Do you put up a Christmas tree? Do you put up it in advance or on New Year's eve?, What is your favourite Christmas film? Why?.

New Year Speaking


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