1) The cat is ................ the door. a) under b) opposite c) in front of d) behind e) on f) in 2) The dog is .............. the cap. a) under b) on c) in d) in front of e) between f) close to 3) The cat is ............. the dogs a) above b) behind c) into d) on e) between f) in 4) The dog is ..................... the toy. a) Next to b) above c) in d) on e) between f) under 5) The dog is ........................ the ground a) in b) between c) next to d) in front of e) under f) above 6) The dog is ........................ the blanket a) in b) under c) on d) in front of e) between f) above 7) The cat is ................................ the window. a) in b) in front of c) above d) between e) behind f) on 8) The dog is ................. the bed. a) in b) opposite c) under d) on e) between f) in front of 9) The cats are .......................... the washing machine. a) between b) in c) on d) opposite e) in front of f) under 10) The cat is ................. the lamp. a) on b) above c) opposite d) under e) in front of f) between 11) The cat is sitting ................. the table. a) in b) on c) above d) between e) under f) behind

Preposition of place


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