4616 - Four thousand six hundred and sixteen, 8719 - Eight thousand seven hundred and nineteen, Three thousand and two - 3002, 3020 - Three thousand and twenty, 5216 - Five thousand two hundred and sixteen, One thousand five hundred and sixteen - 1516, 6184 - 6000 + 100 + 80 + 4, 2000 + 8 - 2008, 9129 - Nine thousand one hundred and twenty-nine, 1307 - 1000 + 300 +7, 6000 + 30 +8 - 6038, 4000 + 200 + 7 - 4207, Three thousand and seventeen - 3017, 2020 - 2000 + 20, 8000 + 90 + 10 + 9 - 8919,


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