Croatian for beginners
Examples from our community
954 results for 'croatian for beginners'
Business topics for discussion
Spin the wheel
Asking for and giving directions
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Review of 'for' and 'since'
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Abeceda 1
100 questions for a virtual coffee break
Open the box
Clothes (Odjeća) 1
Labelled diagram
Family (Obitelj) 2
Numbers 1 (0-10)
Match up
Clothes (Odjeća) 4
Match up
Family (Obitelj) 1
Labelled diagram
Family (Obitelj) 3
Present Perfect for and since
Group sort
Clothes (Odjeća) 2
Labelled diagram
Ideology Picker for Hoi4
Spin the wheel
100 questions for a virtual coffee break
Open the box
Dinner for one
Situations for rent
Speaking cards
Одежда for russian classes
True or false
To be!
Types of transport Roadmap A2
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Gameshow quiz
Days of the Week for beginners
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Business English for Beginners A1: Unit 3
Word magnets
6f_Asking for and giving directions
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phrases for describing a picture
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Should have for past advice speaking challenge
Speaking cards
Activities for the day or night?
Group sort
Business English for Beginners A1: Unit 4.A
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adjectives - synonyms for 'good' and 'bad'
Group sort
Copy of OL2 p.220 things for meals
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Talk with your partner for 30 seconds about the topic.
Spin the wheel
Teen Success Unit 1 game for 6.4 page 33
Complete the sentence
Matching pairs
Everyday things
Match up
Silent "e"
Flash cards
Speaking / beginners
Open the box
Gerunds and Infinitives: verbs
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spotlight 5 p. 78 ex. 2
Match up
Gerunds and Infinitives (practice)
Complete the sentence
Clothes 1
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Hobbys und Freizeit
Gerunds and Infinitives (theory)
True or false
Spiel Present Simple beginners
True or false
Present Simple beginners quiz
True or false
Irregular Verbs (beginners)
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Present Simple beginners
True or false
beginners give me five
Spin the wheel
Present Simple beginners / +
True or false
46 Beginners 22nd August
Match up
Unit 1 Beginners
Spin the wheel
Irregular verbs
Wie geht's?
Complete the sentence