10 14 a1 a2
Examples from our community
3,815 results for '10 14 a1 a2'
Days of the week
Match up
Months of the year
3e irregular verbs_soutien
Match up
Match up
5e frequency
Match up
Les aliments
1-10 chiffres francais
Find the match
CPLP - Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa
Labelled diagram
superlatif + present perf + ever
Classroom english 1
Classroom english 2
Complete the sentence
5e_pronoms personnels_revisions
Match up
Les parties du corps
Personal pronouns vs names
Group sort
4e SUPERLATIVES open the box
Open the box
4e_Will vs Going to
1-10 chiffres francais (cherchez des mots)
le dejeuner sur l'herbe
Group sort
6e Classroom rules 1
La lecture "OU"
Speaking cards
Aller au présent
Complete the sentence
Speaking questions A1/A2/B1
Speaking cards
da + (r) + Präposition
Complete the sentence
A1+ A2 - Questions - Future predictions with will
Spin the wheel
Find a missing word (present simple)
Complete the sentence
Qu'est-ce que c'est ( Les objets d`école )
Speaking cards
Quelle est ta matière préférée?
3e 24-25 unit 2 lesson 2 vocab 1
Find the match
3e 24-25 unit 2 irreg verbs 1
Find the match
4e 24-25 unit 2_lesson 2 reg irreg
Group sort
3e 24-25 unit 2 lesson 2 vocab 2
Match up
Stadt - Artikel kennen
Group sort
Meine Stadt - Nomen
Find the match
personality adjectives 3e
A1+ A2 - Body parts
Labelled diagram
Brise-glace (A1-A2)
Speaking cards
4e 24-25 unit 2 lesson 2
Complete the sentence
Les vêtements et les couleurs
Labelled diagram
Le sport FLE A1/A2
Match up
Les loisirs A1/A2 + infinitif
Find the match
5e 24-25 unit 1_lesson 2_box
Open the box
5e don't doesn't
Roue des modes brawl stars 2021
Spin the wheel
Les symboles du Toussaint
Labelled diagram
Révision A1
Spin the wheel
Jeux de rôles - niveau A1
Speaking cards
5e frequency 2