Household items
Examples from our community
1,042 results for 'household items'

Household items

Household chores
Match up

Match name with picture
Matching pairs

Household chores - match up
Match up

Household Appliances

In the pencil case...
Match up

French food items
Matching pairs

What is what?
Matching pairs

How often do you...?
Speaking cards

Household chores Eng - Fr
Match up

Spanish Household Chores 1
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Household chores
Match up

Household cleaning
Labelled diagram

Household chores

Alphabet - Put the household items into the correct spaces
Complete the sentence

Household chores
Match up

Household Objects
Match up

German - household chores
Match up

PE EMW Food Items (part 1)
Matching pairs

Kitchen Items
Matching pairs

French breakfast items
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School items

Y3 Which items are magnetic or non-magnetic?
Group sort

Items on a Desk
Labelled diagram

PC Hardware Items
Labelled diagram

Negatives: household chores Fr - Eng
Match up

In the backpack...

PE EMW Food Items (part 2)
Matching pairs

spanish school items by beluga
Maze chase

La casa

Pencil case items in French (Mrs Taylor)
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3 Unit 1 Classroom Items Speaking Flashcards
Flash cards

Household Appliances
Match up

German - household chores
Match up

Household chores
Match up

Matching pairs

Classroom items
Matching pairs

Bathroom items
Match up

Café Items
Open the box

School items
True or false

Classroom items

Classroom items

Food items
Match up

Household objects - Memorizing Game
Watch and memorize
Household chores Fr - Eng
Match up
Household Objects - Spelling - True or False
True or false
Average UK Household Bills
Match up
2 Classroom items
Matching pairs
Items of clothing
Items in the house English
Match up
Y7 - Items of furniture
Match up
Temperature control in household appliances
Complete the sentence
Household Items Match Up
Match up
Household Items
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