
Fractions Decimals Simple to

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10,000+ results for 'fractions decimals simple to'

Decimals to fractions
Decimals to fractions Match up
Match up fractions to decimals
Match up fractions to decimals Match up
Match fractions to decimals
Match fractions to decimals Find the match
Equivalent fractions and decimals
Equivalent fractions and decimals Match up
Percentages, Decimals and Fractions
Percentages, Decimals and Fractions Match up
Equivalent fractions sorting game
Equivalent fractions sorting game Group sort
Fractions to Decimals
Fractions to Decimals Quiz
Fractions picture and words match-up
Fractions picture and words match-up Match up
Fractions that are equivalent to 1/2
Fractions that are equivalent to 1/2 Whack-a-mole
Equivalent decimals and fractions
Equivalent decimals and fractions Maze chase
Fractions, Decimals & Percentages
Fractions, Decimals & Percentages Matching pairs
Unit Fractions of Amounts
Unit Fractions of Amounts Gameshow quiz
Match Up fractions to percentages
Match Up fractions to percentages Match up
Matching common fractions, percentages and decimals
Matching common fractions, percentages and decimals Match up
Fractions quiz
Fractions quiz Quiz
Equivalent Fractions to 1/2
Equivalent Fractions to 1/2 Whack-a-mole
Add Fractions G3
Add Fractions G3 Find the match
fractions quiz
fractions quiz Quiz
Fractions Quiz 1
Fractions Quiz 1 Gameshow quiz
Fractions Spin the wheel
Matching percentages, fractions and decimals
Matching percentages, fractions and decimals Matching pairs
Decimals to Fractions
Decimals to Fractions Spin the wheel
Fractions Gameshow quiz
equivalent fractions
equivalent fractions Group sort
Equivalent Fractions
Equivalent Fractions Find the match
Fractions vocabulary match-up
Fractions vocabulary match-up Match up
Equivalent fractions, true or false
Equivalent fractions, true or false True or false
Equivalent Fractions
Equivalent Fractions True or false
🔴 E2 W8 - Match the shapes to the correct fractions
🔴 E2 W8 - Match the shapes to the correct fractions Match up
fractions Gameshow quiz
Matching numbers and words to 20
Matching numbers and words to 20 Find the match
Match fractions to decimals (E3)
Match fractions to decimals (E3) Find the match
Ordering fractions game
Ordering fractions game Spin the wheel
find fractions of amounts
find fractions of amounts Match up
Percentages and Fractions
Percentages and Fractions Quiz
Fractions to percentages wordwall
Fractions to percentages wordwall Match up
Match the Equivalent Fractions
Match the Equivalent Fractions Find the match
Fractions in words
Fractions in words Match up
Equivalent fractions: true or false?
Equivalent fractions: true or false? True or false
NUMBERS 1-20 Hangman
 Numbers Plus
Numbers Plus Match up
Matching fractions KS2
Matching fractions KS2 Match up
Ordering Fractions
Ordering Fractions Rank order
Fractions vocabulary
Fractions vocabulary Match up
Multiplying Decimals
Multiplying Decimals Find the match
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