Would you rather
Examples from our community
6,682 results for 'would you rather'
Would you rather...?
Spin the wheel
Would you rather?
Speaking cards
Open the box
Would you rather
Speaking cards
Would you rather?
Speaking cards
Would you rather?
Open the box
Would you rather / prefer.... (jobs)
Speaking cards
Would you rather? (For adults)
Speaking cards
would you like to...
Open the box
Y7 Fr Où habites-tu?
Match up
Beginner sentences
Would you like
Complete the sentence
Would you like (to)...?
Spin the wheel
Getting to know you
Speaking cards
Would you like a/some/an_sm2
Gameshow quiz
I would like + - ?
Getting to know you- ESOL questions
Spin the wheel
Counting in 2s- Which numbers would you say?
W11 L2 had better would rather
Open the box
Would like
Gameshow quiz
Would you like
Speaking cards
SM2 U4 Would you like... ...?
Group sort
Would you like
Speaking cards
Paris je t'adore
Balloon pop
U4L6 Would you like ...? Let's ...
Complete the sentence
Used to/ would
You should...
Open the box
Sous ou dans ? Which would you use?
Group sort
Which reading technique would you use?
Group sort
Which unit of length would you use?
Group sort
Would you like to...? Do you want to...? - L&S
Spin the wheel
Are you / do you?
Flip tiles
What makes you feel ...
Open the box
Hello, how are you?
Speaking cards
Getting to know you
Spin the wheel
What can you do?
Spin the wheel
How often do you...?
Speaking cards
Getting to know you
Spin the wheel
Have you ever ... ?
Open the box
Getting to know you
Spin the wheel
Do you like?
Spin the wheel
Getting to know you
Spin the wheel
What can you do?
Group sort
B2-B2+, 2nd conditional: Why would you do this?
Spin the wheel
SO Intermediate - 6.2 What would you do if...
Spin the wheel
I would like
Speaking cards
Would like x Like
Gameshow quiz
Viva 1.1 How are you?
Matching pairs
Getting to know you questions
Spin the wheel
Spring Subitising. What do you See?
Speaking cards
Getting to know you- Higher level
Open the box
Hello, how are you?
Spin the wheel
Getting to know you
Flip tiles
What do you see?
Match up
To cook .... you need ....
Speaking cards
How often do you...?
Speaking cards
Do you like..?
Spin the wheel