

Examples from our community

151 results for 'pronunciation'

Pronunciation Speaking cards
Past Simple Regular - Pronunciation
Past Simple Regular - Pronunciation Group sort
Pronunciation of 'H' in English
Pronunciation of 'H' in English Group sort
Pronunciation Suffix -ED Past Simple Regular Verbs
Pronunciation Suffix -ED Past Simple Regular Verbs Group sort
Pronunciation Suffix -ED Past Simple Regular Verbs (2)
Pronunciation Suffix -ED Past Simple Regular Verbs (2) Gameshow quiz
Pronunciation Suffix -ED Past Simple Regular Verbs
Pronunciation Suffix -ED Past Simple Regular Verbs Group sort
Past simple - Pronunciation -ED
Past simple - Pronunciation -ED Airplane
Pronunciation /ʃ/ vs /s/
Pronunciation /ʃ/ vs /s/ Group sort
Pronunciation -S/-ES (Present Simple)
Pronunciation -S/-ES (Present Simple) Group sort
In the house (pronunciation)
In the house (pronunciation) Quiz
Mispronounced Food Words
Mispronounced Food Words Quiz
Pronunciation-tricky words
Pronunciation-tricky words Quiz
Pronunciation Advanced
Pronunciation Advanced Quiz
TH - Pronunciation (Dental Fricative)
TH - Pronunciation (Dental Fricative) Group sort
Plurals: -S/-ES pronunciation
Plurals: -S/-ES pronunciation Group sort
Pronunciation - 'ed' Quiz
Pronunciation - 'ed' Quiz Quiz
Pronunciation Group sort
O - Pronunciation
O - Pronunciation Group sort
Pronunciation Open the box
English alphabet pronunciation
English alphabet pronunciation Match up
Regular Verbs: -ED pronunciation
Regular Verbs: -ED pronunciation Group sort
A1 - Pronunciation - Plural 's
A1 - Pronunciation - Plural 's Group sort
A1 - Descriptive Adjectives: Travel
A1 - Descriptive Adjectives: Travel Flash cards
Advanced Homophones
Advanced Homophones Matching pairs
Pronunciation the letter 'c'  as /k/ or /s/
Pronunciation the letter 'c' as /k/ or /s/ Group sort
IPA B1+ p.6 (2)
IPA B1+ p.6 (2) Match up
IPA B1+ p.6 (3a)
IPA B1+ p.6 (3a) Match up
pronunciation th
pronunciation th True or false
ED pronunciation
ED pronunciation Group sort
Dates & pronunciation
Dates & pronunciation Matching pairs
SC pronunciation
SC pronunciation Spin the wheel
Pronunciation - 'ed' Group sort
Pronunciation - 'ed' Group sort Group sort
Pronunciation /h/
Pronunciation /h/ Spin the wheel
Pronunciation game
Pronunciation game Speaking cards
-ED PRONUNCIATION Speaking cards
Pronunciation "Th"
Pronunciation "Th" Quiz
Pronunciation Body
Pronunciation Body Quiz
Vowels - pronunciation
Vowels - pronunciation Match up
Pronunciation practice
Pronunciation practice Spin the wheel
Pronunciation - To be, or not to be
Pronunciation - To be, or not to be Spin the wheel
Pronunciation - TH (Dental Fricative)
Pronunciation - TH (Dental Fricative) Group sort
ED pronunciation (only sound)
ED pronunciation (only sound) Group sort
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