Examples from our community
2,046 results for 'b2'
Simple past and past continuous questions
Spin the wheel
Sprechen B2
Speaking cards
Find the match
Imperativo negativo
Complete the sentence
B2: Passiversatzformen
Flip tiles
Partizipien I als Adjektive
Speaking cards
Roadmap B2+ 4A
Complete the sentence
page 56 FCE Results
Complete the sentence
Aspekte J. B2 Negation
Sprechen B1/B2
Speaking cards
Aspekte J. B2 L1
Phrasal verbs B2
Verschiedene Indefinitpronomen B2-D3
Complete the sentence
Sprechen B2 II
Speaking cards
Unsere B2-Vokabeln
Speaking cards
Unsere B2-Vokabeln
Modalpartikeln(aus „Aspekte neu” B2, Klett-Verlag)
Complete the sentence
Partizipien I
Open the box
Condicional tipo 1, 2, 3
Match up
Ein Experte für Körpersprache ( zu „Aspekte neu” B2, Kapitel 2, Klett-Verlag)
Complete the sentence
B2 speaking questions
Spin the wheel
Imperfecto de Subjuntivo B2
Match up
Verbes + à + COI
Group sort
Personal Questions Level B2
Spin the wheel
Music Intermediate B1-B2
Spin the wheel
USA Holidays
Redemittel zur Diskussion: Vorschläge
Group sort
B2 How long have you...?
Spin the wheel
Second Conditional Questions
Speaking cards
L'expression de la conséquence (2)
Speaking cards
Balloon pop
Group sort
L'expression de la cause (4) (conjonctions)
Speaking cards
Verben/Nomen/Adjektive mit Präpositionen B2
Flip tiles
Ce qui me fait peur... - FLE B2
Speaking cards
Modals of Obligation and Prohibition B1-B2
Speaking cards
Reconstituez le récit
Labelled diagram
Kennenlernen (B2)
Spin the wheel
SPEAKING (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2) About you
Spin the wheel