A2 adverbs
Examples from our community
2,821 results for 'a2 adverbs'
Link A0-A2 thema 7 taak 1 en2
Find the match
Contraste imperfecto e indefinido
Complete the sentence
Envases y medidas
DURACIÓN (desde hace, hace, desde, hace que)
Complete the sentence
Link A0A2 th 5 tk 3 en 4
Find the match
Link+ B1 thema 5 taak 1 en 2
Find the match
Woordvolgorde NT2-A2
Spreken A2
Open the box
Spreken A2
Open the box
Spreken A2
Spin the wheel
Spreken A2
Spin the wheel
Spreken A2
Speaking cards
Parecer/Parecerse/Parecer (gustar)
Complete the sentence
Spreken A1-A2 - Familie
Speaking cards
A2 Trovare un lavoro
Rank order
werkwoorden met prepositie A2+
Find the match
Link A0-A2 vragen
Perfectum oefenen start A2
Complete the sentence
Dubbele vragen - spreken A2
Open the box
Link+ B1 thema 2 taak 1 en 2
Find the match
Food idioms (to be)
Find the match
A2 Futuro di dubbio
Open the box
Pretérito indefinido ( IRREGULARES )
Gameshow quiz
Taalcafé Spreken TaalCompleet A2 Thema 3
Spin the wheel
A2 stare per vs stare+gerundio
Find the match
Malcolm's strange routine
Flip tiles
¿Ella o yo? indefinido
True or false
Taalcompleet A2, werkblad 2.5b voltooid deelwoord
Spin the wheel
TC A2 2.10 gebiedende wijs Je moet.......
Spin the wheel
Indefinido vs Perfecto
Complete the sentence
Daily Activities and Adverbs of frequency
Spin the wheel
TC A2 3.2 omdat als
Open the box
Português A2 Praticar exame oral
Speaking cards
spel: woord omschrijven
Open the box
Spreken A2
Speaking cards
Praatkaartjes ±A2
Speaking cards
Do you like...?
Flip tiles
Voegwoorden: en, of, maar, want, -Link+ A1/A2
Speaking cards
Comparativos de igualdad, superioridad o inferioridad A2
Complete the sentence
TaalCompleet A2, spreekoefening nav thema 1
Speaking cards
TC A2 thema 3 scheidbare werkwoorden
A2 Opinioni sull'Europa (Congiuntivo o indicativo? )
Speaking cards
Pretérito Indefinido regular
Complete the sentence
A1/A2 I vestiti
A2 Werkblad 4.2B TaalCompleet
Spin the wheel
Voltooide tijd A2
Flip tiles
Conversación en español (a2)
Spin the wheel
Kennismaken NT2 A2-B1
Speaking cards
TC A2 1.2 zinnen
thema wonen A2
Speaking cards
TC A2 3.4
Speaking cards
TC A2 5.7
Match up