Japanese Colors
Examples from our community
191 results for 'japanese colors'
Days of the week
Spin the wheel
Japanese days and dates
Match up
Questions and answers
Spin the wheel
Sports in kana
Speaking cards
Y9 Questions
Spin the wheel
30 Hiragana あ~ほ
Speaking cards
sprunki on spelling
Japanese greetings
Match up
Japanese Days
Match up
Classroom objects in Japanese
Match up
Year 9 Japanese subjects
Match up
Countries in Japanese
Labelled diagram
Japanese Dates in Hiragana
Match up
Months in Japanese
Find the match
Yr 9 Japanese Q's+A's
Find the match
French Colors
Open the box
Year 13 Japanese Vocabulary - First 100 words
Flash cards
colours in hiragana
Spin the wheel
Colours in hiragana -match
Match up
Hiragana 4: ま - よ
Speaking cards
Someone's family members
Match up
さ line
Speaking cards
あ line
Speaking cards
Wheels of Japanese Greetings 01
Spin the wheel
や line
Speaking cards
Speaking cards
Greetings 2 in Japanese
Spin the wheel
Greetings in hiragana
09 Families word meaning 01
Matching pairs
supootsu (sports) test
Speaking cards
Hiragana 2 さ - と
Speaking cards
Days of the week - match up
Match up
adjectives in hiragana
Match up
10. わをん
Speaking cards
Kamoku in kana
Speaking cards
Japanese self introduction word meanings
Matching pairs
Open the box
は line
Speaking cards
Wheel of Japanese Greetings 02
Spin the wheel
Hiragana 3: な - ほ
Speaking cards
た line
Open the box
ら line
Speaking cards
Speaking cards
Animals in hiragana: matching
Match up
09 Families word reading 01
Match up
kazu (numbers) 1
Speaking cards
な line
Speaking cards
09 Families word meaning 01
Match up
Vocab building 01 Days of the week
Matching pairs
か line
Speaking cards
Kamoku test
Speaking cards
Matching pairs
Match up
Leisure Activities
Find the match
Kamoku roomaji
Speaking cards
kazu (numbers) 2
Speaking cards
basic verbs on Obento textbook
Spin the wheel