
Past simple

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Czasowniki nieregularne past simple
Czasowniki nieregularne past simple Match up
Irregular5thGrade Match up
Przetłumacz zdania - Past Simple - czas przeszły
Przetłumacz zdania - Past Simple - czas przeszły Flash cards
Present Perfect Simple vs Past Simple
Present Perfect Simple vs Past Simple Open the box
past simple
past simple Find the match
Ułóż zdania - Past Simple - czas przeszły
Ułóż zdania - Past Simple - czas przeszły Unjumble
Past Simple - wybierz prawidłowe tłumaczenie zdania
Past Simple - wybierz prawidłowe tłumaczenie zdania Quiz
Połącz! Czasowniki: I i II forma
Połącz! Czasowniki: I i II forma Match up
Past Simple or Present Simple?
Past Simple or Present Simple? Complete the sentence
Past simple in Minecraft world.
Past simple in Minecraft world. Quiz
past simple - affirmative sentences
past simple - affirmative sentences Unjumble
past simple - negative sentences
past simple - negative sentences Unjumble
past simple - wh- questions
past simple - wh- questions Unjumble
past simple - yes/no questions
past simple - yes/no questions Unjumble
Present Perfect vs Past Simple time expressions
Present Perfect vs Past Simple time expressions Group sort
Past Simple & Present Perfect
Past Simple & Present Perfect Quiz
powtórzenie - j. angielski
powtórzenie - j. angielski Quiz
Past simple - QUIZ
Past simple - QUIZ Gameshow quiz
Past Simple (klasa 3)
Past Simple (klasa 3) Unjumble
Czasowniki - PAST SIMPLE - QUIZ - literowanie
Czasowniki - PAST SIMPLE - QUIZ - literowanie Anagram
Talk for a minute about...
Talk for a minute about... Speaking cards
Past Simple
Past Simple Quiz
Past Simple vs Present Perfect - A2-B1 Revision
Past Simple vs Present Perfect - A2-B1 Revision Speaking cards
Ula 18.07
Ula 18.07 Flash cards
Present Simple vs Present Continuous (a/b)
Present Simple vs Present Continuous (a/b) Quiz
Present Simple questions and short answers.
Present Simple questions and short answers. Quiz
adding -ed to verbs
adding -ed to verbs Group sort
W-questions Complete the sentence
Present Simple questions and short answers.
Present Simple questions and short answers. Quiz
Zdania Unjumble
Klasa IV Present Simple przeczenia
Klasa IV Present Simple przeczenia Quiz
Present Simple vs Present Continuous - określenia czasu (pociąg)
Present Simple vs Present Continuous - określenia czasu (pociąg) Balloon pop
Present Simple vs Present Continuous (połącz)
Present Simple vs Present Continuous (połącz) Match up
Present Simple & Telling the Time
Present Simple & Telling the Time Match up
past forms part 1
past forms part 1 Find the match
Odmiana czasownika "być" - "to be"
Odmiana czasownika "być" - "to be" Find the match
labirynt do gry
labirynt do gry Maze chase
Present Simple vs Present Continuous: Pets
Present Simple vs Present Continuous: Pets Unjumble
Present Simple / Present Continuous / Present Perfect
Present Simple / Present Continuous / Present Perfect Quiz
Present Simple and Continuous - time expressions
Present Simple and Continuous - time expressions Whack-a-mole
Present Simple VS Present Continous Ćwiczenia
Present Simple VS Present Continous Ćwiczenia Quiz
Present simple and continuous
Present simple and continuous True or false
Present Simple (czas teraźniejszy prosty)
Present Simple (czas teraźniejszy prosty) Quiz
Can/Can't answering the questions
Can/Can't answering the questions Speaking cards
Can/Can't with activities and animals
Can/Can't with activities and animals Unjumble
Prepositions of place
Prepositions of place Quiz
SUPER HEROES 3 [ U2 PRESENT SIMPLE ] Complete the sentence
Present Simple - formy
Present Simple - formy Whack-a-mole
Present Simple - affirmative sentences
Present Simple - affirmative sentences Complete the sentence
Present Continuous and Present Simple/class 6/
Present Continuous and Present Simple/class 6/ Quiz
Present Simple
Present Simple Flash cards
Present Perfect vs. Past Simple - test
Present Perfect vs. Past Simple - test Quiz
Brainy 5 Unit 6 revision ex. 5
Brainy 5 Unit 6 revision ex. 5 Unjumble
was / were kl 5
was / were kl 5 Complete the sentence
Irregulars1 - przebij balon
Irregulars1 - przebij balon Balloon pop
Steps Plus 6 - Unit 1 - Past Simple "to be" Questions
Steps Plus 6 - Unit 1 - Past Simple "to be" Questions Unjumble
past forms
past forms Spin the wheel
Czasowniki Nieregularne w Past Simple i po Polsku
Czasowniki Nieregularne w Past Simple i po Polsku Quiz
Past Simple (regular verbs) *
Past Simple (regular verbs) * Crossword
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