
Английский язык 10 12

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Go Getter 1_0.3_ It's or they're
Go Getter 1_0.3_ It's or they're True or false
Numbers 10-100
Numbers 10-100 Matching pairs
Spotlight 5 - Module 10a
Spotlight 5 - Module 10a Match up
Go Getter 2_6.4_Can I borrow your...?
Go Getter 2_6.4_Can I borrow your...? Open the box
Go Getter 3_Unit 3.3
Go Getter 3_Unit 3.3 Speaking cards
at the zoo
at the zoo Match up
Go Getter 2_ 6.2 (2)
Go Getter 2_ 6.2 (2) Speaking cards
Numbers 10-100 Extra
Numbers 10-100 Extra Wordsearch
Academy Stars 5 Unit 10 Word Formation
Academy Stars 5 Unit 10 Word Formation Group sort
GG2 7.1 Transport ( get on, arrive, leave..)
GG2 7.1 Transport ( get on, arrive, leave..) Speaking cards
Go Getter 3_Unit 7.3
Go Getter 3_Unit 7.3 Crossword
Countries/nationalities spotlight5 unit 2A
Countries/nationalities spotlight5 unit 2A Find the match
Go Getter 1_5.2
Go Getter 1_5.2 Group sort
Go Getter 3_3.6_Email
Go Getter 3_3.6_Email Complete the sentence
FlyHigh 4 Future Simple
FlyHigh 4 Future Simple Match up
Go Getter 1  2.1
Go Getter 1 2.1 Match up
comparisons unit 2.2 GG3
comparisons unit 2.2 GG3 Speaking cards
AS 5 Unit 1 Reading
AS 5 Unit 1 Reading Match up
Comparative and superlative adjectives unit 2.2
Comparative and superlative adjectives unit 2.2 Quiz
 Daily routine spotlight6 unit 4a
Daily routine spotlight6 unit 4a Find the match
Appearance spotlight 5 unit 4b
Appearance spotlight 5 unit 4b Speaking cards
Go Getter 3_Unit 3_Get Culture
Go Getter 3_Unit 3_Get Culture Match up
Go getter 3_Unit 1.3
Go getter 3_Unit 1.3 Match up
Starlight 5 1b Jobs
Starlight 5 1b Jobs Match up
numbers 0-10 (small letters)
numbers 0-10 (small letters) Hangman
Present perfect/past simple.
Present perfect/past simple. Complete the sentence
Colors Balloon pop
Present Perfect matching A2
Present Perfect matching A2 Match up
Professions Quiz
Market/Supermarket Labelled diagram
Go getter 3_ 7.4
Go getter 3_ 7.4 Open the box
Spotlight 5 Clothes 2
Spotlight 5 Clothes 2 Match up
Go Getter 1_6.1
Go Getter 1_6.1 Anagram
Go Getter 3_Unit 8.4
Go Getter 3_Unit 8.4 Quiz
FH 4_Objective Pronouns
FH 4_Objective Pronouns Quiz
Go Getter 2_Unit 5.2 (3)
Go Getter 2_Unit 5.2 (3) Speaking cards
SM-3 have to/has to
SM-3 have to/has to Speaking cards
Adverbs of frequency
Adverbs of frequency Match up
Английский Find the match
Английский Quiz
Food. Containers.
Food. Containers. Group sort
AS 5_Unit 2_Reading_Vocab
AS 5_Unit 2_Reading_Vocab Quiz
Test Quiz
AS 5_Unit 1_Grammar 2
AS 5_Unit 1_Grammar 2 Unjumble
AS 5_Unit 1_ Adjectives -ed/-ing
AS 5_Unit 1_ Adjectives -ed/-ing Find the match
Shops Spotlight 6 unit 2c
Shops Spotlight 6 unit 2c Match up
Space vocabulary (SM4)
Space vocabulary (SM4) Find the match
AS 5_Unit 1_ -ed/-ing adjectives_1
AS 5_Unit 1_ -ed/-ing adjectives_1 Quiz
Christmas Open the box
Des parties du corps
Des parties du corps Labelled diagram
Les saisons et les mois
Les saisons et les mois Group sort
house and rooms. spotlight 5 unit 3a
house and rooms. spotlight 5 unit 3a Labelled diagram
Comparatives & superlatives. Correct the mistakes. 2 sentences are correct!
Comparatives & superlatives. Correct the mistakes. 2 sentences are correct! Speaking cards
Comparatives & superlatives Fill in the gap
Comparatives & superlatives Fill in the gap Complete the sentence
In the museum - vocabulary (SM4)
In the museum - vocabulary (SM4) Quiz
can/can't spotlight 5 module 4
can/can't spotlight 5 module 4 Open the box
Academy Stars 5 Unit 8 Synonyms
Academy Stars 5 Unit 8 Synonyms Match up
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