Средняя школа Second conditional
Examples from our community
10,000+ results for 'средняя школа second conditional'
Imaginary situation
Open the box
I wish ...
Speaking cards
If only ...
Speaking cards
I think you'd (based on English File 4th Edition)
Spin the wheel
Second Conditional (What would you do if ... ?)
Open the box
Second Conditional
Speaking cards
Second Conditional // Crazy sentences
Speaking cards
First or second conditionals?
Speaking cards
Second Conditional
Spin the wheel
Second Conditional
Spin the wheel
Second Conditional
Second Conditional
Balloon pop
second conditional
Speaking cards
second conditional
Speaking cards
Second Conditional
Complete the sentence
second conditional
Speaking cards
Second Conditional
Second Conditional
Open the box
second conditional
Speaking cards
Second Conditional
Complete the sentence
second conditional
Speaking cards
Second Conditional
Complete the sentence
Second Conditional (NTE Pre 12.1)
Open the box
I wish/If only+Past perfect
Spin the wheel
Gateway A2 Unit 5
Find the match
First or Second Conditional
Group sort
Second or third conditional?
Speaking cards
The Second Conditional
Spin the wheel
Ever/never in Present Perfect
Speaking cards
Suffixes -tion/-ation/-sion
Group sort
Free practice Second conditional
Open the box
First or Second Conditional
Complete the sentence
Noun suffixes
Passive Voice
second conditional winter holidays
Speaking cards
Second Conditional Speaking
Spin the wheel
First and Second Conditional
Spin the wheel
Second Conditional 3
Complete the sentence
First and Second Conditional
Spin the wheel
First Second Conditional game
Open the box
first / second conditional questions
Speaking cards
Second Conditional 20 #my_teaching_stuff
Complete the sentence
Second Conditional 2
Second Conditional
Spin the wheel
Second conditional
Open the box
Second Conditional
Speaking cards
second conditional
Speaking cards
Second Conditional
Speaking cards
second conditional
Speaking cards
Second Conditional
Speaking cards