Suffix er est
Examples from our community
9,543 results for 'suffix er est'
OG88 -est
Suffix -er and -est Words
Suffix endings -est and -er
Complete the sentence
Suffix -er & -est Practice
Matching pairs
Suffix -er & -est (more than/most)
Match up
Suffix Game Show -ed, -s, -ing, -er, -est
Gameshow quiz
suffix -est
6.1 Suffix endings -est or -er
Complete the sentence
er, est
Group sort
Suffix -er
Group sort
Suffix -er
Group sort
What is the baseword? (suffix -s only)
Open the box
1.6 suffix spelling
Group sort
Suffix -est
Spin the wheel
suffix -est
Open the box
er est sentence scramble
-er and -est Match
Find the match
-est, -er, -en, -ish
Group sort
suffixes er and est
Matching pairs
Suffix -er -or
Gameshow quiz
er or est?
Group sort
-er Suffix
Spin the wheel
Suffix - s
Suffix endings -est and -er Sentences
Complete the sentence
est vs. ist suffix
True or false
OG94 -ing Suffix
Matching pairs
Unscramble -er and -est
er/est correct/incorrect
Group sort
Suffixes -er & -est sort
Group sort
-er or -est?
Maze chase
PAF 86 (er suffix) person
Matching pairs
Suffix -er Sort
Maze chase
Barton 5.5 #1 -er,-est, -ist
Group sort
Present Tense regular -ER Verbs Spanish
Gameshow quiz
suffix est
Find the match
Suffix -est
Open the box
Barton 5.5 -er,-est, -ist
Group sort
Suffixes with -er and -est
Group sort
Comparative Suffix (er/est)
Group sort
Comparative Suffix (er/est)
Group sort
Suffix -er
Gameshow quiz
suffix -er
Match up
Suffix -er
Group sort
Suffix rules
Maze chase
Affixes (s, ing, ed, er, est, re, un, ful)
Open the box
Suffix endings -er and -est
Complete the sentence
Suffixes -ed, -ing, -s, -es, -er, -est
Group sort
Suffixes s, ed, ing, est, er, es
Gameshow quiz
Suffix Rules Sort
Group sort
-er Suffix (and -or suffix)
Match up
OG80 -able suffix
Flash cards
Regular -ER verbs with -GER and -CER
Suffix match up
Match up
suffix match up
Match up