Ww2 ing ed adjective
Examples from our community
6,476 results for 'ww2 ing ed adjective'

ing & ed
Group sort

-ed and -ing Words
Balloon pop

-ed and -ing endings
Match up

Suffixes -ing -ed
Gameshow quiz

ing -ed adjectives
Spin the wheel


-ed and -ing adjectives
Speaking cards

Participial Adjectives (ing/ed)
Complete the sentence

ed & ing
Spin the wheel

/ed/, /ing/
Matching pairs

Suffix Sort: -ed, -ing, -s
Group sort

ED / ING adjectives - Reactions bingo
Open the box

B5L3 doubling rule & -ed/-ing suffixes (4 stories)
Complete the sentence

ed, s, es, and ing suffixes
Group sort

OG94 -ing Suffix
Matching pairs

-ed/ -ing adjectives
Spin the wheel

Barton 5.3 ed ing
Matching pairs

suffixes (ed, ing, s)
Group sort

Adjectives (ing vs. ed)
Spin the wheel

Adjectives (ED or ING)
Spin the wheel

Suffixes -ing and -ed

ing and ed suffix whack a mole

Base Words with Endings -ing and -ed
Gameshow quiz

Suffixes s, ed, ing, est, er, es
Gameshow quiz

Inflected Endings (-s -ed and -ing)
Group sort

Base Words with Endings -ed and -ing

6.7 Hangman for Tricky Suffixes

5.4 Liam's ed and ing Unjumble

ing + ed

Match the sentences with the correct verb
Find the match

5.3 & 5.4 Double or Not When Adding +ED or +ING
True or false

Suffix Game Show -ed, -s, -ing, -er, -est
Gameshow quiz

Affixes (s, ing, ed, er, est, re, un, ful)
Open the box

Complete Preliminary Unit 5 / -ed x -ing adjs
Speaking cards

Which number is GREATER?
Gameshow quiz

Ten frames
Gameshow quiz

Comparing Integers
True or false

Subjects and Predicates
Group sort

Inflected Endings -s, -es, -ed, -ing
Gameshow quiz

Word Sort (-ed and -ing endings)
Group sort
Order Integers
Rank order
Wilson 2.1 Select the Correct Ending
Find the match
Calendar Skills
Labelled diagram
Would You Rather...?
Spin the wheel
Suffixes -ed, -ing, -s, -es, -er, -est
Group sort
Main Idea Multiple Choice
Gameshow quiz
Adjective: True or False?
True or false
Adjective Whack-a-Mole