1) Ann gets ... her schoolmates. a) better marks than b) best marks than c) better marks of d) gooder marks than 2) I am ... our class. a) baddest of b) the worse student in c) worse student than d) the worst student in 3) Paul is ... his brother. a) more tall than b) taller than c) more taller than d) tallest than 4) That party is ...  this year.  a) the most amusing of b) most amusing of c) more amusing than d) very amusing of 5) You are ... Paul. a) kinder than b) the kindest c) kinder then d) more kind than 6) This film is ... that one. a) funnyer than b) funnier than c) funniest than d) funnyest than 7) Daisy is ... of all girls in the class.  a) slimer b) slimest c) the slimest d) the slimmest 8) Mary is ... than her friends. a) happyer b) happier c) more happier d) hapier 9) He looks .... of all boys here. a) sadder than b) saddest  c) the sadest d) the saddest 10) Your test is ... Tom's test. a) worst than b) more bad than c) worse than d) badder than 11) His house is ... from the city centre than our house. a) further b) furthest c) more far d) farrer 12) My sister is ...me. a) lazyer than b) lazier than c) laziest that d) more lazy than 13) I get to school ... you. a) latest than b) the later than c) later than d) latter than 14) Lilly is ... girl in the class. a) more friendlier b) the most friendly c) the friendlyest d) friendlier than 15) Today is ... Friday. a) wetter than b) wetier c) weter than d) more wet than 16) Her mobile phone is ... her PC. a) oldder than b) more older than c) older than d) the olddest than

Comparatives and superlatives - 4

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