type 0: She usually.........(feel) much better if/when she .....(go) jogging., If I ..........(have) a big supper, I usually ....(have) problems falling asleep., If you .......(heat) ice, it ......(melt)., type 1: I..........(see) you at 3.30 unless the train .......(be)late., You ........(get) a cold if you ........(not wear) warm clothes outside., I......... (come) to the cinema provided that I .......(finish) all my work first., type 2: If I ........(be) the president, I...... (reduce) taxes immediately., If I ......(have) a lot of money, I .....(give) some of it to a children's hospital., If I .......(be) you, I ......(consult) a doctor., type 3: If I ......(study) more during studies, I ......(not fali) so many exams., If I .......(invite) friends round last night,I .......(not feel) so lonely., If I .........(make) an appointment with a doctor,I ..........(be) healthy now.,


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