I help doctors. I work in a hospital. I'm a ____ ., I have a car. I take people from one place to another. I'm a ____ ., I wear a uniform. My job is very dangerous. I'm a ____ ., My work saves people's lives. I like to learn new things. I'm a ____ ., I love children. We learn and play together. I'm a ____ ., I work with people and write a lot. Celebrities don't like me. I'm a ____ ., I serve people food and drinks. I work in a cafe or restaurant. I'm a ____ ., I work in a shop. I help people to choose products and clothes. I'm a ____ ., I welcome people and make phone calls. I help to solve different problems. I'm a ____ ., I work in a factory. I'm a ____ . , I work with numbers. I'm an ____ ., I design new buildings. I'm an ____ ..
3B - Guess the job
English File elementary
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