1) When you want to say something tastes great, you use the words: a) delicious b) bland c) tasty 2) When you want to say something tastes bad, you use the words: a) disgusting b) crunchy c) overcooked 3) Which ones are usually sour? a) chocolate, candy, doughnuts b) lemon, some gummies, vitamin C c) cucumbers, onion, garlic 4) Which words describe crisps? a) salty b) crunchy c) bitter 5) Chefs say that good steak has to be: a) bitter b) bland c) juicy 6) Raw meat is: a) hot b) bland c) sweet 7) Can "spicy" and "hot" mean the same? a) Yes, and they usually do. b) No, never. 8) If something becomes stale, it usually is: a) tasteless b) bitter c) salty 9) If something is good for your body, it probably is: a) trendy b) takeaway c) nutritious d) healthy e) fresh f) natural 10) What is the difference between a "homemade" meal and a "takeaway" one? a) The former is prepared at home, the latter in a restaurant and you take it home. b) One is eaten at home, the other one you take with you. c) These words mean the same thing. 11) What does "second helping" mean in Polish? a) pomoc drugiemu b) druga obróbka termiczna c) dokładka 12) Fast food is: a) processed b) unhealthy c) traditional d) natural 13) If a type of food is trendy: a) People think it's healthy. b) It helps lose weight. c) People like the food and make it or order it more often. 14) A waiter usually: a) recommends dishes suitable for the customer b) leaves a tip c) pays the bill d) takes an order 15) A customer in a restaurant can/should: a) take an order b) watch one's weight c) leave a tip d) book a table e) pay the bill 16) In American schools there are: a) cafes b) cafeterias 17) How do we use "(be) keen on"? a) a suitable form of "to be" + keen on + adjective  b) a suitable form of "to be" + keen on + verb with -ing c) a suitable form of "to be" + keen on + noun 18) Is "food" countable or uncountable? a) uncountable b) countable

Tastes and restaurant knowledge quiz

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