shoulder - I really needed someone to talk to about my problems. I really needed a ............... to cry on., back - They said bad things about him in secret. They talked about him behind his .............., chin - Don’t worry! Stay cheerful! Keep your ....... up! Everything will be OK in the end., nose - She’s always interfering and sticking her ____________ in other people’s business., hand - The government has lost control. The situation is getting out of ____________ ., mouth - It’s time you did something instead of just talking. It’s time you put your money where your ............... is., lips - I won’t talk to anyone about this. My _________ are sealed., head - When I asked him what the problem was, he replied in an angry way. He bit my ........ off., arm - My new coat was really expensive. It cost an ___________ and a leg., leg - All the evidence shows that he is guilty. He hasn’t got a __________ to stand on., finger - He knows what the public is feeling. He has his _____________ on the pulse of the nation., neck - I took a lot of risks for you. I really stuck my _____________ out for you., chest - It’s good to talk about my problems. It’s good to get things off my ____________ ., knees - He’s so handsome whenever I see him I feel weak. When I see him, I go weak at the ....................., cheek - He wasn’t serious, he was joking. He was speaking with his tongue in his ................., feet - My family help me to stay sensible and not to do anything stupid. They help me to keep my _____________ on the ground., ear - She never listens to anything I say. It just goes in one _________ and out the other., stomach - That makes me feel sick. It turns my _____________ ., toes - I don’t want to offend anyone. I don’t want to step/tread on anyone’s _______ ., hair - I just plan to relax and let my _________ down.,

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