Verdadero: The computer is on the table, Bart is in the bed, Hommer is in the bath, The sofa is in the living room, The cooker is in the kitchen, The lamp is in the living room, The bed is in the bedroom, The table is in the bedroom, It's in the bath, It's in the wardrobe, It's on the chair, It's on the sofa, It's under the table, It´s under the lamp, It´s under the hat, Falso: The computer is under the table, Bart is under the bed, Hommer is behind the bath, The sofa is in the kitchen, The cooker is in the bathroom, The lamp is in the bedroom, The bed is in the bathroom, The table is in the bathroom, It's in the shower, It's on the wardrobe, It's under the chair, It's in the sofa, It's on the table, It´s in the lamp, It´s on the hat,

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