1) The African elephant is the ... land animal in the world. a) smallest b) largest c) fastest 2) It is an endangered species because some people ... and kill them. a) discover b) protect c) hunt 3) They hunt elephants for their ... . a) fur b) tusks c) trunk 4) People have ... their habitat and now they keep African elephants in national parks. a) destroyed b) polluted c) invented 5) The African elephant lives in ... and the savannah. a) mountains b) jungles c) forests 6) It eats grass, fruit and leaves but it doesn't eat ... a) fish b) meat c) insects 7) It drinks a lot of ... too. a) water b) milk 8) Sometimes elephants travel far away because they can't find ... a) friends b) food c) home 9) Elephants like playing with ... . a) sand b) water c) mud 10) Mud is good for their ... . a) fur b) skin 11) It protects them from the ... and insects. a) space b) moon c) sun 12) Elephants can't see very well, but they can ... very well. a) run b) hear c) eat

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