postbox   - a metal container where you can post letters, traffic lights - coloured lights controlling traffic at junctions, road sign - a sign by the side of the road giving information or directions, rubbish bin - a container for putting waste or garbage in, bus stop - a place where buses pick up and drop off passengers, roadworks - repairs or construction happening on the road, parking meter - a machine where you pay to park your car, shop sign - a sign outside a shop showing its name, telegraph pole - a tall wooden or metal pole carrying wires for communication, fire hydrant - a pipe in the street that firefighters use to get water, phone box - a small structure with a phone inside for making calls, shop window - a glass display area at the front of a shop, billboard - a large board with advertisements on it, pedestrian crossing - a marked place on the road where people can cross safely, street lamp - a light on a tall pole by the road,

4G In the street

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