1) She ................. never been to London. a) have b) has c) does 2) Tom and Sue haven't ........... for two weeks. a) met b) mets c) meet 3) Why ......... you gone there? a) has b) have c) hasn't 4) Lucy has .............. visited London ZOO a) never b) ever c) have 5) They ......... eaten the chips. a) has b) hasn't c) haven't 6) Who ........ ...... all the chips? a) have eat b) has eaten c) has ate 7) We ........ ......... lunch but we ....... .......... the room yet. a) have made, haven't tidied b) has made, have tidied c) hasn't made, have tidied 8) Hary and George ....... ...... breakfast, so they are hungry. a) haven't had b) have had c) has had 9) ........ he.............. his homework? a) Has, done b) Has, made c) Have, done 10) Has Pi ....... his juice? a) drink b) drank c) drunk

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