Making suggestions/Asking for an opinion: How/What about (X)?, What do you think about (X)?, Do you think (X) would be ?, Agreeing: Absolutely/Definitely., I completely/totally agree., I couldn't agree more., Disagreeing: I totally/completely disagree, because..., I just don't think (X) is the best option, because.., I'm sorry, but I just don't agree with you on that. (...), Making decisions: Right, so which one should we go for/choose?, I think we should choose (X), do you agree?, So, are we in agreement that (X) is the best option?, Partly agreeing: I see what you mean. However, what about...?, I hear what you're saying, but I think that..., Maybe, but what about (X) instead?,

PET Speaking part 3 (2020) - Useful phrases

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