1) How often ... microblogging services like Twitter? a) you use b) do you use c) are you using 2) I'm sure your parents ... a good reason for limitating your use of technology. a) are having b) don't have c) have 3) I do ... your point about very young children and limitating screen time. a) take b) have c) make 4) Do you deny ... the laptop on the floor? a) to drop b) dropping c) drop 5) She ... on her skateboard every day. a) practise b) practised c) practice 6) ... you ... a helmet when you ... your bike? a) Were / wear / fall off b) Were/ wearing / fell off c) Were / wearing / fall off 7) The driving test was tough, so she was surprised that she ... to pass it. a) managed b) manages c) manage 8) I'm not used to ... my own breakfast. a) make b) made c) making 9) You ... click "upload" when you finish recording, to put your video online. a) have to b) may c) shouldn't 10) It will ... you good to get out and meet your friends once in a while. a) make b) do c) find 11) It's three o'clock, so mum ... be at work. a) might b) could c) must 12) My neighbours ... their new house for three months now. a) have built b) have been building c) have build 13) Without a doubt, Santorini is the most beautiful island I have ... been to. a) ever b) never c) just 14) The city council doesn't have the ... of turning the playground into a car park. a) intention b) ability c) solution 15) It's a huge city, ... a) is it? b) does it? c) isn't it? 16) Pass me the map, ... a) shall you? b) will you? c) can you? 17) Are you ... with living in a building? a) fed up b) given up c) made up 18) I think the party ... at about nine on Saturday. a) start b) is starting c) starts 19) We can't meet at six because I ... Jude at five. a) will meet b) 'm meeting c) won't meet 20) That's really ... of you to organise a weekend trip for your mum and dad's anniversary. a) considerate b) considered c) considering 21) The photographer course is .... the digital drawing course. a) as longer as b) as long as c) longer as 22) That was the ... event ever! The costumes and the sound were terrible. a) worse b) best c) worst

Optimise B1+ : Units 1-5

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