1) Yunuhen ___________ feed her hamster. a) Don't have to. b) Has to. c) Have to. 2) Damaso and Ana _________ clean the classroom. a) have to. b) has to. c) have not to. 3) In case of a flood Aaron and Xanat ... a) has to evacuate. b) have to protect their important documents. c) Doesn't have to be nervous. 4) To be a kind person he ... a) have to help the others. b) has to help the others. c) Don't have to be rude with people. 5) In which case do you have to be fast? a) Selecting a p9 group. b) baking a cake. c) Waiting something. 6) Choose the question that feed with this answer: "Yes, because Mafer broke mine last week". a) Does you have to repair your cell phone? b) Do you have to repaired your cell phone? c) Do you have to change your cell phone? 

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