1) What was the main problem that made Grandfather sick? a) Willy wouldn't pick the potatoes b) The taxpayer wanted to take over the farm c) Searchlight wasn't helpful enough d) Lester needed the land 2) How did Little Willie get ahead of Stone Fox? a) He added more dogs to his sled b) He fed Seachlight more food than usual c) He starrted a long time before Stone Fox d) He took a shortcut over the frozen lake 3) Who declared that Little Willy had won the race? a) Lester b) The doctor c) Stone Fox d) The Mayor 4) How much money did Little Willy win at the race? a) $50. b) $500. c) $5,000. d) $100. 5) How did Grandfather react during the race? a) He looked out the window to watch b) He stayed in bed asleep c) He could not see the race d) He walked down to the town 6) Why was Searchlight so good during the race? a) He ate a good breakfast b) He was training each day going back and forth to school c) He was able to jump over large logs d) He knew he could win 7) What did Little Willy do with his money in the bank? a) He used it to buy potatoes b) He used it to pay for the entry fee for the race c) He bought Grandfather medicine d) He bought more food for Seachlight 8) How did Little Willy harvest the potatoes? a) He hired a horse b) He asked neighbors to help him c) Seachlight pulled the plow d) He pushed the plow with all of his might 9) In the end, how would you describe Stone Fox? a) A tall and mean Indian b) A caring and thoughtful Indian c) A tough racer d) A happy sociable Indian 10) Why did Stone Fox want to enter the Dog Race? a) He liked racing b) He knew how to train dogs c) He wanted to win the money to buy farms d) He wanted to be Mayor of the town 11) In what state did the dog race take place ? a) Mississippi b) Washington c) Wyoming d) North Dakota 12) Why did Stone Fox draw a line in the sand at the end of the race? a) He wanted Little Willie to carry Searchlight over the finish line b) He wanted to end the race early c) Stone Fox wanted to win the race d) Stone Fox needed a break he was tired. 13) Who began the race? a) Grandfather b) Mayor Smiley c) Doc Smith d) the City Slickers 14) What will Little Willie do with the winnings from the race? a) buy a tractor b) pay off his taxes c) put it in the bank d) give it to Stone Fox 15) What lesson did Little Willie win from being in the race? a) That people can be kind to other peoplele b) That you should always let others win a race c) That five dogs are faster than one dog d) The his grandfather was only faking he was sick.

Stone Fox


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