1) 1 Your favourite colour is _____ , ... ? 2) 2 You were born in (a place), ... ? 3) 3 You really like (a sport or hobby), ... ? 4) 4 You (an activity) last weekend, ... ? 5) 5 You haven't been to (a city or country), ... ? 6) 6 You would like to be able to (an activity) , ... ? 7) 7 Youcan't (an activity) very well, ... ? 8) 8 You're very good at (an activity) , ... ? 9) 1 You were born in (month), ... ? 10) 2 You don'tlike (a kind of music), ... ? 11) 3 You're going to (activity) tonight, ... ? 12) 4 You've seen (a film), ... ? 13) 5 Your favourite season is ____ , ... ? 14) 6 You didn't like (kind of food) when you were a child, ... ? 15) 7 You can play (musical instrument), ... ? 16) 8 You wouldn't like to live in (a place), ... ?

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