Science or Social Studies , Math or Reading , Write a 10 page paper or Give a presentation to the class, PE or Music Class, Elementary School or Junior High , Pens or Pencils , Reading or Writing , Assignment Notebook or Google Keep , Bus or Dropped Off , Yearbook Club or Volleyball, Basketball or Book Club , Spring Break or Winter Break, Typing or Writing , Getting called on or Raising your hand , Monday off or Friday off , Emailing teachers or Asking questions in person , Group projects or Solo projects , Singing or Playing instruments , Crazy hat day or Crazy sock day, Field trip or Day off , First day of school or Last day of school , Zoom or In-Person , Markers or Colored Pencils , Kahoot or Blooket , Paper or Computer , Silent reading or Game , Read out loud or Read by self , Washing hands or Hand sanitizer , Canvas or Google Classroom , Choice day or Exercise together .

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