1) Which one is wrong? a) fascinating b) exotic c) fantastic d) souvenir 2) I like winter vacation. a) b) c) d) 3) Which one is not a tourist attraction? a) b) c) d) 4) This is a tourist ............... a) attraction b) structure c) architecture d) sightseeing 5) China is ........................... country. a) more crowded b) crowded c) crowder d) the most crowded 6) This sigh shows the .................... a) population b) crowded c) capital d) structure 7) Which word is not related to climate? a) terrestrial b) fantastic c) cool d) warm 8) Ankara is the ................ city of Turkland. a) capital b) urban c) gift d) coast 9) All inclusive hotels are ..................... than boutiqe hotels. a) more expensive b) the most expensive c) cheaper d) cheapest 10) Which option shows a guesthouse? a) b) c) d) 11) Which option is related to transportation? a) b) c) d) 12) Which option is related to accomodation? a) b) c) d) 13) Which option is not related to location? a) center b) east c) north d) five star hotel 14) Which option is related to climate? a) terrestrial b) bed and breakfast hotel c) toursit attractions d) north 15) Abroad means .......... a) yurt dışı b) yöresel c) yurt içi d) geleneksel

unit 7 tourism

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