A SPELLCHECKER is a computer program that makes certain that the words in a document have the correct letters in the correct order., WEARABLE technology consists of things that can be worn, such as clothing or glasses, that can connect to the internet., An APP is a computer program or piece of software designed for a particular purpose that you can download onto a mobile phone or other mobile device., A HEADSET is a set of headphones, especially one with a microphone attached to it., A SENTIMENTAL person is strongly influenced by emotional feelings, especially about happy memories of past events or relationships with other people., TO GET RID OF SOMETHING means to remove something that you do not want any longer., TO COME ACROSS means to find something or someone by chance., TO GET SOMETHING BACK means to obtain something again after loss or separation., If you LOOK BACK ON something you think about something that happened in the past., TO BELONG means to be someone's property.,

B1. Vocabulary practice. English Plus 4.


Tabla de clasificación

Estilo visual


Cambiar plantilla

¿Restaurar actividad almacenada automáticamente: ?