1) You should avoid _____________ too long ! a) to sleep b) sleeping c) sleep d) you sleep 2) This song makes ____________ of an old friend from my childhood a) thinking b) me thinking c) me think d) me to think 3) Have you finished _______________ your room ? a) tidying  b) to tidy c) tidy d) to tidying 4) How strange ! I remember ____________ the door and now it is open ! a) to lock b) lock c) me locking d) locking 5) She stopped ______________ when people started to laugh. a) talk b) to talk c) talking d) to talking 6) He refused __________the law , so he was imprisoned .  a) obeying b) to obey c) to obeying d) obey 7) Her parents didn´t want ____________ that boy . a) her daughter marry b) her daughter marrying c) her daughter to marrying d) her daughter to marry 8) The woman made __________________ his work . a) him finishing b) him to finish c) him finish d) him to finishing 9) She ´s planning ____________ around the world. a) to travel b) travelling c) to travelling d) travel 10) She was so happy when her parents let ____________ with her friends .   a) her to go b) her out going   c) her go out  d) to go out 11) He tried ____________ with only one hand but it was very difficult ! a) to cook b) cook c) to cooking d) cooking  12) The sea inspired ___________ her poems . a) her to write b) her writing c) her write d) to write 13) Imagine ______________ on a tropical island only you and me ! a) living b) live c) to live d) to living

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