1) Madame Valmondé was thankful to find Désirée under the stone pillar because... a) ...she wanted to give the baby to one of the slaves. b) ...she couldn't have a baby of her own. c) ...she wouldn't be alone anymore. 2) Armand fell in love with Deésirée... a) ...when he saw her for the first time. b) ...while he was mistreating one of his slaves. c) ...when he rode by the stone pillar and saw 18-year-old Désirée. 3) "Young Aubigny’s rule was a strict one, too, and under it his negroes had forgotten how to be gay, as they had been during the old master’s easygoing and indulgent lifetime." This quote means that... a) ...Armand's father was stricter than Armand. b) ...Armand's rule was more severe than his father's. c) ...they both mistreated their slaves. 4) Who is Zandrine? a) A slave who nurses the baby and helps Désirée. b) A slave from the plantation. c) Mandame Valmondé's companion slave. 5) "La Blanche's" cabin is... a) ...another plantation. b) ...the cabin of a woman slave from where Armand heard the baby cry. c) ...the place where Armand went to be alone. 6) How does Désirée feel about her husband? a) She loves him but fears him at the same time. b) She loves him madly. c) She is afraid of him and thinks of leaving him. 7) What has changed in Armand's behaviour recently? a) He suddlenly became even kinder with his slaves. b) He became more affectionate to the baby c) He didn't spend much time at L'Abri with his wife and baby.

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