1) It was boiling hot, so I put on a tank top. a) result b) reason c) purpose d) contrast 2) The hurricane hit really hard. As a result, the streets were flooded. a) result b) reason c) purpose d) contrast 3) We regret to inform you that the position has been taken, and therefore/consequently we are unable to offer you the job. a) result b) reason c) purpose d) contrast 4) I have stopped texting the manager because / as / since he never answers me. a) result b) reason c) purpose d) contrast 5) The bus was late because of the fog. a) result b) reason c) purpose d) contrast 6) Flight 341 has been delayed due to / owing to adverse weather conditions. a) result b) reason c) purpose d) contrast 7) I took a French course to / in order to / so as to improve my conversation skills. a) result b) reason c) purpose d) contrast 8) She closed the door quietly so as not to / in order not to wake the baby. a) result b) reason c) purpose d) contrast 9) They moved to Quito so (that) they could see their grandchildren more often. a) result b) reason c) purpose d) contrast 10) I’m not going to tell Ann in case she tells everyone else. a) result b) reason c) purpose d) contrast 11) We enjoyed the concert, but / yet we didn’t have very good seats. a) result b) reason c) purpose d) contrast 12) We enjoyed the concert. However, we didn't have very good seats. a) result b) reason c) purpose d) contrast 13) We enjoyed the concert although / even though / though we didn't have very good seats. a) result b) reason c) purpose d) contrast 14) In spite of being attracted to the stranger, something in Agnes's head was telling her not to get close to him. a) result b) reason c) purpose d) contrast 15) Despite the fact that she was attracted to the stranger, something in Agnes's head was telling her not to get close to him. a) result b) reason c) purpose d) contrast

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