REPORTED SPEECH - is used to talk about what another person said, DIRECT SPEECH - are the exact words a person uses., "IS / ARE / AM" change to - "WAS / WERE", PRESENT (SIMPLE or CONTINUOUS) changes to - PAST (SIMPLE or CONTINUOUS), PAST (SIMPLE or CONTINUOUS) changes to - PAST PERFECT (SIMPLE or CONTINUOUS), PAST PERFECT - doesn't change (remains PAST PERFECT), "WILL / WON'T" change to - WOULD / WOULDN'T, "CAN" change to - COULD, We TELL someone - something, THE MODAL "MUST" CHANGES TO  - HAD TO, We SAY something - to someone, TELL, ENCOURAGE, WARN, REMIND, ASK, WANT follow this stucture: - VERB + PRONOUN (object) + TO INFINITIVE, PRESENT PERFECT changes to - PAST PERFECT,

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