1) Mary studied a lot so she got an excellent mark. a) consequence b) reason c) addition d) contrast 2) She was angry because he took her pencil. a) consequence b) reason c) addition d) contrast 3) He gave her some flowers and bought her a ring. a) consequence b) reason c) addition d) contrast 4) She loves animals so she will be a vet. a) consequence b) reason c) addition d) contrast 5) He hates studying for dictations but he loves reading. a) consequence b) reason c) addition d) contrast 6) She wasn´t hungry but she was thirsty. a) consequence b) reason c) addition d) contrast 7) Mary was very tired because she had a party last night. a) consequence b) reason c) addition d) contrast 8) Mary is a dentist and she teaches at university. a) consequence b) reason c) addition d) contrast 9) My brother goes to school in the afternoon because he hates waking up early. a) consequence b) reason c) addition d) contrast 10) She is scared of dogs so she doesn't have one. a) consequence b) reason c) addition d) contrast

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