1) We say touch red a) When 2 people say the same thing b) When two people fight c) When two people write the same thing 2) Tuesday the 13th is a a) National Celebration Day b) Good luck day c) Bad luck day 3) On Clean Monday we a) Eat meat b) Don’t have bread c) Fly a kite 4) To protect themselves from the evil eye (Mati) people wear a blue a) bead with an eye b) t-shirt with an eye c) earring with an eye 5) On the first day of March people wear a a) a red and white hairband b) a red and white ring c) a red and white handband 6) On New Year’s Eve at midnight, people smash a a) Pomegranate b) Pumpkin c) Walnut 7) Greeks can predict your future by looking in a) Your cup of coffee  b) Your cup of tea c) Your glass of water 8) What is more important to the Greeks is a) Travelling b) Money c) Family 9) On the first day of May people make a wreath of a) Leaves b) Flowers c) Fruit 10) When Greek people see a beautiful baby , to protect it from the evil eye (Mati) they a) Nod their head Three times b) Jump up and down x3 c) Spit 3 times

Greek customs and superstitions

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