1) You _______ eat a lot of sweet a) should b) shouldn't c) should not 2) She ________ do exersises to keep healthy a) should not b) should c) shouldn't 3) He _________ play computer game all the time a) shouldn't b) should c) should not 4) You _______copy your friend's homework a) should b) shouldn't c) should not 5) You _______share private information with strangers a) should b) shouldn't c) should not 6) You ________ log out after using it a) should not b) should c) shouldn't 7) You ________ be cautious about the information you share a) should not b) shouldn't c) should 8) You _______ tell your parents if you are being cyberbullied a) shouldn´t b) should c) should not 9) You ________ upload inapproppriate content a) should not b) shouldn´t c) should 10) You ______think before you post a) should not b) shouldn't c) should

Should / should not / shouldn't

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