GERUNDS (playing): after verbs like: love, hate, like, don't mind, imagine, finish, after these expressions (exceptions to the rule) : to look forward to... / to object to... / to get used to..., after all prepositions except "to" (there are exceptions), after adjective+preposition: Steven is fantastic at... / She's so happy about... / I'm afraid of..., after verb+preposition : I don't approve of people... / I insist on... / You can't accuse someone of..., after phrasal verbs: I gave up....when I hurt my knee, INFINITIVES (to play / play): after verbs like: learn, agree, ask, help, choose, want,, after certain adjectives: I was surprised.... / It's really difficult... / You know I'm happy..., verb+someone+to do+something: I asked her... /I made him..., to express purpose: I went to the shops to..., after modals like can, must, after let, had better, would rather,

FCE - Unit 7 - Gerunds and Infinitives Rules

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