You ___ ______ a dog. - aren´t , We ___ ______ friends. - aren´t, I ___ ______ short. - am not, She ___ ______ ugly. - isn´t, We ___ ______ teachers. - aren´t, It ___ ______ a cup. - isn´t, The girls ___ ______ on the floor. - aren´t, The snail ___ ______ fast. - isn´t, I ___ ______ a student. - am not, She ___ ______ in the classroom. - isn´t, He ____ hungry - is, You ___ ______ happy. - aren´t , They ___ ______ boring. - aren´t, She ___ ______ on land. - isn´t, The kids ___ ______ outside. - aren´t, It ____ a happy cat. - is, I ___ ______ angry. - am not, We _____ coworkers - are, You _____ intelligent. - are, I ___ ______ a boy. - am not, They ________ funny. - are, He ___ ______ a mechanic. - isn´t, They ___ ______ animals. - aren´t, I ____ a boy. - is, The food ___ ______ cold. - isn´t, It ___ ______ warm. - isn´t, It ___ ______ winter. - isn´t, It ___ ______ an office. - isn´t, She _____ beautiful. - is, We _____ family. - are, We ____ young. - are, You ____ all students. - are, They ____ blue. - are, They ____ astronauts. - are, She ____ a film star. - is, He _____ happy but they are sad. - is, They ____ friendly. - are, They ____ Super Heroes. - are, He ____ tall and they are short. - is, They ________ happy. - are, He ________ old. - is, It ________ fluffy. - is,

To be + / - 2.

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